Some bad Habits We All need to get Rid Of

Table of contents;

1. Skipping Breakfast.

2. Eating When You Aren’t Hungry.

3. Staying In an Unhealthy Relationship.

4. Spending so much Time on Social Media

5. Ignoring stout Financial Health.

6. Wearing Earphones for Many Hours.

7. Worrying about Your Acne

8. Other Habit Tips that could affect Your Health.

GTY_watching_tv_eating_pizza_thg_13719_80509847_16x9_992-300x169 Some bad Habits We All need to get Rid Of

We all sure do have some pretty bad habits and sometimes we don’t even know it. It may appear to be trivial atimes, but if not managed well could get in our way.Perhaps your health and wellbeing at that.

Apart from it influence on one’s body internally and all, one could lose one’s respect socially. That’s why it is good to be in look out on how we do things and set things in place. Especially, with our manners (or etiquettes) and habits.

preview_47176-300x211 Some bad Habits We All need to get Rid Of

Here are a few common bad habits that needed to be stopped immediately to live a happier, healthier life:

Skipping Breakfast.

This is a crucial point to take note of, we often indulge in this at the detriment of our health!. When you’re in a rush to get out the door in the morning, eating breakfast might be your last priority.

However, eating a healthy benefits your body in many ways – and a cup of coffee simply doesn’t cut it!. Making time for a nutritious breakfast every morning will help keep your weight in check, prevent you from over-eating at lunch, improve your metabolism, and keep you energized and productive throughout the day.

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Eating When You Aren’t Hungry.

If your eating pattern isn’t set, your body’s hunger signals will not come when they should. This way, you can eat even when you are not hungry. If you do this often, your body is flooded with extra calories.

Often, the foods one binges are not healthy either. So, this habit can take a serious toll on one’s health by causing problems such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, acidity and so on!

Staying in an unhealthy relationship.

If you think that your relationship does not allow you your share of love and happiness, it is best to exit it. When you stay in a relationship that’s not as rewarding as you expect it to be, you are harming your health more than you think.

It causes you stress and this can have many impacts on your body, such as, lowered immunity and high blood pressure.

Spending so much time on social media.

Like many people, I freely admit to sometimes falling into the trap of these time-wasting bad habits. Spending an hour on a video game or Facebook, or watching a show on Netflix may decrease your productivity, but if it is a source of enjoyment, it is okay sometimes.

The problem with many of these activities is that they are mindless. They waste our time, we lose our sense of time, and we often spend a lot longer on these activities than we realize.

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Ignoring your financial health.

Money troubles have a lot of negative side effects on your physical and mental health. Financial stress can contribute to high blood pressure, feelings of depression, insomnia, headaches, digestive problems, chronic pain, ulcers, and substance abuse.

A study by Payoff PTSD-like symptoms from financial stress. If you’re having trouble managing finances or overspending, don’t feel ashamed to seek financial advice.

Wearing earphones for many hours.

I know you love them, but you have to use it seldomly!. Be it while ravelling, working out, working or studying, many of us have a habit of incessantly plugging in the earphones for multiple hours. This habit is really bad as it can spell hearing loss in the long run.

Make sure that you do not spend hours with earphones plugged and keep the volume to an audible enough and not loud as that is the main culprit.

Worrying too much about your acne.

Sometimes we get so caught up on how we look and appear that we don’t know it’s a bit out-of-line.  We always want to have a skin that’s free of blemishes. The constant worry makes one touch the acne too often. In the process, we  only make it worse.

If you pick at your  skin like this, it may even lead to inflammation and scars. So, stop worrying excessively about your skin. You are beautiful the way you are!.

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Others Habits that could affect your health include;

Not protecting yourself from the sun
Eating too much red meat
Poor posture
Smoking eCigarettes
Not dealing with stress
Not maintaining preventative health care
Not drinking enough water
Putting your health last
Distracted driving
Not washing hands
Not flossing
Not brushing your teeth
Picking scabs
Hair picking
Skin picking
Scratching your butt
Chewing tobacco

A habit takes up a space in your life. When it is gone, there is an absence. It is recommended to try to replace bad habits with good ones. This helps to fill the gap caused by you no longer indulging in the bad habit.

However, We all do things we wish we didn’t, so don’t get down on yourself if you see a few habits on this bad habits list that feel familiar. Instead, trying working on yourself by bringing the positive side of it to life.

Doing this consistently will help you greatly and transform your life. One habit at a time!.

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