3 Ways On How To Become More Private

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Key words;


Applicable tips on how to become more private.

What’s it about being private?

When it comes to keeping things tighter than the usual standard of being “loud”? then privacy can’t be underrated!.

Keeping your personal life private isn’t such an easy task. It’s flattering that people genuinely care what we’re doing with our days –. where we’re living, what we’re doing for work.  Who we’re sharing our lives with. When we’re going to make our next career or relationship moves.

Why we’re doing what we’re doing, and how we’re going to achieve all of our life’s goals.

People can choose to do their things (or live) privately due to some reasons that’s sometimes are just quite personal.

It’s not that they can’t cope with the waves and the fact that people have to keep tabs on them. Some just done like the public’s attention. We all have our reasons,  and some aren’t just the social type.

Living a life of privacy sometimes do have most advantages than haven to expose everything all the time.

Here’s three ways to becoming more private;


1. Know Your Limit;

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Determine the things about your life that you’re willing to share with others. Set boundaries on things that you don’t feel comfortable with, give it a thorough thinking.

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As long as you set the foundation, you won’t feel tricked into accidentally giving up more information about yourself. Be it originally  planned to a friend, family member, colleague, or anyone else you come into contact with.

You decide the kind of people you relate with or share things with.  You also get to decide the topics you’re comfortable speaking about and can carefully choose your words. Don’t let anyone make you feel impulsive to share what you don’t want to. It’s in your power to either respond or not, remember?.

You should be literally firm on controlling your proceedings. Try as much as possible not to overshare. You control the message or information about yourself that you want to let the rest of the world (as tiny as it may be) know.

Additionally, don’t feel too pushy to speak when someone tells you everything about themselves. Give it some thought, and let your response be short and simple.

2. Unplug;

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Always resist the urge to display things on social media. Not only does this mean refraining every now and again from using your cell phone. (which has become an extension of people’s right hand at this point) (and any other technology you use daily).

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it means being able to say “No” and focus on what you need to do for yourself.

That friend, the one who always wants to get lunch or a drink, but asks prying questions the entire time and then criticizes your decisions only to tell your friends about your lunch a few days later even though you asked to keep everything you said between the two of you. You know the one, right? Yeah, don’t hang out with that friend anymore or at least make sure it’s only in small doses, in a large group with your other friends. Or when you know you have an escape plan.

Rid yourself of the things in your life that you can. You can study the activities that’s actually running through in your life and ditch those are not useful in anyways.

Sure, you need to use technology at work, but what about when you’re officially off the clock? Let go. You’ll be fine, and possible even much better than fine. You may be great I assure you.

  1. Save Some Secrets up your sleeves;

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That’s right. You don’t need to tell everyone every little thing that you do, places you go, who you turn to and all that.  You owe nobody explanation about what you do (as long as you are an adult).

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So far the information you’re holding on to won’t cause any harm to yourself by keeping it in or to others by not revealing it. why not have something that’s your own? It feels nice to know things that other people don’t, right?. Yeah, yeah it does.

Before you share, always know people Change. A friend today might just become the greatest enemy tomorrow. Holding your past or present pretty secrets to yourself, would rather earn you some respect than when anyone gets to know it all.

Try as much as possible to keep in mind that privacy often come with alot of benefits than exposing one’s self or things  we engage in or do.

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